Book Review:  “Bully Me – I Dare You: A Horror Novella (Damaged Children Book 1)” by Megan Monroe

Lilly Fracton is an outcast. As a long-time victim of her schoolmates’ cruel bullying, she has very few people she can call a friend. Her razors and her reflection seem to be her only refuge against cruel Katie and her minions. Bolstered by the stronger version of herself she sees in the mirror Lilly takes a different tack, daring her tormentors to do their worst. Her reflection tells her that she will have revenge if she lets her take the reins, but she is reluctant at first. When a classmate and member of Katie’s group is discovered brutally murdered, suspicions naturally fall on Lilly, who claims to be home asleep at the time. But as more increasingly brutal and vile attacks happen to those around her Lilly becomes suspect number one. With her reflection in control nobody is spared. The bullies will get what they deserve.

Bully Me- I Dare You is the debut novella of horror Author Megan Monroe and follows that sad life of Lilly, a high school student who is brutally bullied to the breaking point and beyond. Having been a victim of bullying myself this is a topic that really hits home. I often fantasized about getting revenge on my tormentors much like Lilly does and while my situation was nowhere near the events depicted by Monroe, I still felt Lilly’s pain, anger and, her helplessness. I also rooted for her reflection as she exacted the revenge that Lilly the person was not mentally or physically capable of doing. While the story is a little over the top and may not appeal to everyone, I could appreciate the concept of the victim getting total and complete revenge even at her own downfall. Not quite extreme horror, there were several very graphic scenes that are cringeworthy and very satisfying to read as her vengeance plays out.

Even though she is a new author, Monroe has delivered a disturbing novella of revenge that will resonate with a certain group of readers which I have already seen after reading a few of the other reviews. For this being a debut offering, I can only wait to see what twisted ideas she thinks up next and I have already preordered her second novella My Pen Pal Is A Serial Killer which is scheduled for a January 12,2024 release.

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